Media Release ·
Local actions helping save our Reef

Our Reef is an irreplaceable ecosystem and, thanks to local Reef heroes, ten Local Action projects are boosting the positive impact that communities are having on the health of our Reef.
These projects are empowering heroes in Reef communities to be part of the solutions to local threats, such as tackling marine debris at the source and improving local creek habitats.”
Great Barrier Reef Foundation Managing Director Anna Marsden said, “The Great Barrier Reef is an irreplaceable ecosystem and we should be proud that it’s our responsibility to look after it.”
“Our Reef and its marine life are facing a growing combination of threats and saving the Reef is a huge task, but there’s hope,” Ms Marsden said.
“As the action station for the Reef, we’re bringing together people and science to deliver more than 60 Reef-saving projects.”
Some of the positive impacts include:
The Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers Cooperative are the Reef heroes behind the #LessisMore project, which has removed more than 17,000 plastic straws from local businesses and seen nearly 500 local teachers and students produce enough reusable beeswax food wraps to replace an estimated 38 kilometres of single-use plastic clingwrap over the next 12 months.
Traps to catch litter before it makes its way to the Reef’s waters have been installed in Townsville, Mackay, Yeppoon, Rockhampton and Gladstone, with one project led by the Fitzroy Basin Association preventing nearly 28,000 pieces of litter weighing over 700 kilograms.
Local Reef heroes saw an impressive reduction in local marine debris by using information collected from stormwater litter traps to identify litter and work with local businesses to stop the rubbish at its source, installing cigarette butt bins near hot spots and replacing individual sugar sachets with a sugar jar at a popular coffee spot.
1,500 native trees were planted along an eroding creek line in an important wildlife corridor with the community and Whitsundays Regional Council set about improving the condition of local waterways and building awareness about the importance of healthy waterways.
Twenty-nine Reef heroes volunteered at Bowen’s signature Walk to the Lighthouse event to provide guidance on how to enjoy the coral and marine life while ensuring their protection and created a series of signs and videos to help protect these unique and accessible fringing reefs year-round.
Find out more by visiting the Community Reef Protection page.
Funded by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation’s partnership with the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered in partnership with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.