GivingTuesday 2021

GivingTuesday is almost here! Here's everything you need to know about GivingTuesday and how you can give back.

GivingTuesday 2021

#What is GivingTuesday?

GivingTuesday started in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. GivingTuesday is now an independent nonprofit and a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate and celebrate generosity.

It was created to combat the ever-growing rush of holiday shopping that has begun to eat away at the original concept of the holiday season.

On GivingTuesday you are encouraged to donate to charity, start a fundraiser on behalf of a charity, show up for an issue or people you care about, or give some of what you have to those who need your help. Every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give.

#When is GivingTuesday 2021?

GivingTuesday is every year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. It either falls on the last Tuesday of November, or the first Tuesday of December.

In 2021, it's on Tuesday November 30 and in 2022, it's on November 29. 

#How can you support the Great Barrier Reef this GivingTuesday?

This GivingTuesday, your help is needed to scale-up seagrass restoration on the Great Barrier Reef.

Seagrass is critical to all life on the Reef. Without it, we risk losing precious animals like sea turtles, dugongs and so much more. 

That’s why we're so worried about how quickly seagrass is disappearing. The next big storm season could threaten the seagrass meadows that remain. Which is why we are working hard with a team of amazing researchers to preserve and regenerate seagrass meadows on the Reef.  

Please participate in any way you can this GivingTuesday to help protect and restore seagrass meadows so sea turtles, dugongs and other species can continue to flourish on the Reef.

Here are some ideas on how to support this cause on GivingTuesday: 

  1. Fundraise on behalf of the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. Learn how to fundraise for the Reef here.
  2. Give on November 30. Visit our website here and donate.
  3. Spread the word. Encourage your friends and family to join you in creating a real impact on November 30 by sharing what our mission means to you and why you support the Great Barrier Reef.

#How to fundraise for the Great Barrier Reef Foundation on Facebook this GivingTuesday

  1. On your computer, log in to Facebook.
  2. On the left, click Fundraisers.
    • Tip: If you don't see Fundraisers on the left, click See more.
  3. On the left, click Raise money.
  4. Click Nonprofit.
  5. You can either:
    • Type into the search bar 'Great Barrier Reef Foundation'
  6. Select the 'Great Barrier Reef Foundation'. It should be the top result as displayed in the screenshot below.
  7. On the left, enter:
    • The goal amount of money you want to raise
    • The currency you want the funds to be in
    • Why you are raising money. 
  8. Click Create.

Please participate in any way you can this GivingTuesday. We appreciate any way you can express your generosity. 


Climate change: What does ‘locked in’ mean?

Explainers ·

Climate change: What does ‘locked in’ mean?

Scientists often talk about the impacts of climate change that are “locked into the system”, but what does that really mean and what effects will they have on the Great Barrier Reef?