Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
International Scientific Advisory Committee
Ove is Professor of Marine Studies at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Over the past 20 years he was Founding Director of the Global Change Institute and is Deputy Director of the Centre for Excellence in Coral Reef Studies and Affiliated Professor in Tropical Marine Biology at the University of Copenhagen (2016-present). He has been a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science since 2013
Ove's research focuses on the impacts of global change on marine ecosystems and is one of the most cited authors on climate change. In addition to pursuing scientific discovery, Ove has had a 20-year history in leading research organisations such as the Centre for Marine Studies (including 3 major research stations over 2000-2009) and the Global Change Institute, both at the University of Queensland.
These roles have seen him raise more than $150 million for research and infrastructure. He has also been a dedicated communicator of the threat posed by ocean warming and acidification to marine ecosystems, being one of the first scientists to identify the serious threat posed by climate change for coral reefs which predicted the loss of coral reefs by 2050.