Lower Burdekin Water Quality Program

The Lower Burdekin Water Quality Program aims to prevent 48 tonnes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and 138,276 Risk Units (RU) of pesticides from entering the Reef's waters every year.

​This $20.4 million investment under the Reef Trust Partnership is supporting a series of projects focused on substantially reducing dissolved organic nitrogen (DIN) and pesticide runoff, via a range of activities aimed at improving farming practices as well as through the construction of wetlands.

Projects will support growers to maximise profitability by delivering precision agriculture data and extension programs; customised farm pesticide management plans; end-of-field water quality monitoring; and nitrogen and irrigation use efficiencies. Program delivery will be managed locally by NQ Dry Tropics, who have been appointed Regional Program Manager and Partnership Coordinator.

The Lower Burdekin Water Quality Program: Regional Program Plan and Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Plan will guide the project and engagement activities for the Lower Burdekin Program. The Regional Program Plan is the umbrella document for the Regional Program. It provides background and outlines the objectives, scope and governance arrangements established for the program. It also includes a detailed program logic and a description of all projects included in the Program.

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Burdekin Irrigation Project

Burdekin Irrigation Project

Sugar Research Australia
$6.9 million

This project aims to transition growers to scalable, sustainable and technologically assisted practices in irrigation management, using a whole-of-systems approach that includes water quality validation. It aims to maximise industry profitability through optimised irrigation practices which directly influence other key farming system priorities. The project will be delivered by a consortium of cross-disciplinary stakeholders, which enables integration of existing relationships with growers, lessons learnt and practical outcomes across numerous water quality improvement projects.

Precision to Decision

Precision to Decision

$3.2 million

Farmacist will support Burdekin sugarcane growers in using precision agricultural techniques to guide informed nutrient planning and management. Farm plans will be developed to identify constraints and increase productivity and profitability through targeted agronomic support for nitrogen use efficiencies (NUE). A range of activities including soil testing, amelioration maps, satellite yield variation imagery and agronomic support will be provided for 10,000 ha of sugar cane growing land. Growers will have opportunities and support for improving production and NUE.

Project Bluewater 2

Project Bluewater 2

$2.4 million

Farmacist will build on the early learnings, momentum and success of Project Bluewater and will expand its footprint to cover an additional 18,758 ha of cane land, through direct engagement with ~100 growers. A technical expert will work with individual farms to develop customised farm pesticide management plans. Growers will be assisted to conduct end-of-field water quality monitoring on their own farms, with demonstration sites established to showcase improved pesticide management practice. Workshops, training and field days will upskill the region’s growers, resellers, contractors and extension staff.

Major Grants Project

Major Grants Project

Grower incentives for the Lower Burdekin Water Quality Program
$1.5 million

Supporting the administration of funds to be made available for growers to implement activities that improve the quality of water flowing from the Lower Burdekin region.